Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Two things are now official.

Official Thing #1: I hate essays. Always have, always will. And I hate this particular essay the most because I don't even have to WRITE the fucker. I just have to plan it. Which makes some sort of sense, I suppose, but I still don't like it. I'm useless at planning essays. I'm even more useless at planning essays with quotes in them. But hey, I'll give it a go. I kind of have to, otherwise I get zilch. Not good.

Official Thing #2: I have a Boyfriend. A real, live Boyfriend. And yes, this IS important enough for it to have Capital Letters. We've decided to make it official seeing as most of his housemates had guessed anyway, and we were practically inseperable this last week. However, today is a day for studying.


But later on, we're going to be watching TORCHWOOD! Hell yes! Captain Jack in WALES. It just writes itself.