In an attempt to get back on track with my essay, I'm taking a break.
Or, to use the more common term, procrastinating.
I don't feel bad about this. After all, last word count (including quotations) was 1,928 words. And that's only just over halfway! I still need to write about Pina Bausch and Wilson, then do my conclusion. I might need to take out some of the context-y stuff at the beginning ... but then if I take it out, the essay might make less sense ... gah. As long as I keep going, I should be fine. If I have a full first draft by this evening, I will be a Happy Bunny.
Today is also mine and Boy's two month anniversary. Neither of us have had one of these before. We've both doubled our personal best of one month (admittedly, that was with each other, but still ...) and we're still going strong. It's been nothing but up for me and him these last few weeks - we've gone from strength to strength and it's been fun all the way. Part of me is incredulous that we've reached this point already (where has the time gone?) but mostly I feel proud - proud of myself and proud of him. Yeah, we get funny looks from chavs in the street. And yeah, we might get some comments muttered behind our backs. But y'know what? That doesn't matter. For once in my life, nothing and no-one can touch me. I've got him, and that's all the matters.
Right, procrastination over. Time to do some essaying.