Life is BUSY.
The past week has been horrid. My Sound project was handed in on Thursday, and my Research Portfolio was handed in on Friday. I had several production meetings for the 4th year plays on both of those days, as well as on Monday and yesterday. I've got meetings today, tomorrow and Friday. And I just don't have enough TIME.
On the plus side, my new laptop will be delivered back home tomorrow, meaning that I can go home on Friday evening and transfer all my files from the PC at home onto the laptop. Yay!
Today, Boy and I will be having pancakes. Technically, Pancake Day was yesterday, but I was so busy and so wiped by the end of the day we agreed to have them for dinner today. Yum.
Apparently I talked in my sleep last night. Boy was woken up by me saying "It's a fork" and then, after a brief pause, "I'll sort it out later". We then spent half an hour this morning trying to work out what I might have been dreaming about at the time. The most popular theory was that I dreamed I was on Ready Steady Cook ... which would definitely have made sense ...
I need to tidy my bedroom up. I've got an hour before my next meeting, so I'll spend an hour on my bedroom now and another hour on it later. Should be anough to be able to see the floor again.