Gah. Gah, gah, gah. I really should learn to organise my time more. I have a seminar in an hours' time and I STILL haven't done all the reading.
It's not that I don't want to, far from it. It's just that I don't see the point in having seminars and lectures on things totally unrelated to the essay I'm currently trying to plan and write. I don't see why I can't just skip them all and concentrate on my essay, as that would be much more productive for me. Besides, all this other stuff is making my head hurt. It's all postmodernism and futurism and loads of other -isms that make less sense now than when I studied them for Sociology. SOCIOLOGY. I'm doing a DRAMA degree. Gah.
Oh well. I've managed to wing it for the last two seminars, I'm sure I can do the same for this one. At least the actual discussion will only be for about an hour and a bit, rather than the normal two solid hours - not only have we got a presentation lasting 20-25 minutes at the beginning of the seminar (which will probably help, actually), our seminar leader wants to talk to us for about 20-30 minutes on our essays (the ones we handed in in week 6, and the ones we have to hand in in week 12). So it probably won't be too bad. I've got some pretty intellectual questions in my head as well, so as long as I pick out quotes from each of the chapters, it'll make it look like I've done all the reading.
Twenty-seven days until The Runaway Bride!!! Oh, and Christmas.
EDIT: The seminar went pretty well! I made some good points and asked some intellectual questions (ooh yeah, go me!) AND I got my essay plan thing back - I got a 54! YES!!! If I'm honest, I was actually expecting a LOT worse, as I'd only done about 1400 words, but oddly enough I didn't get marked down on that. I got marked down because I hadn't put in the research summary (for two reasons - firstly, I didn't understand what it actually WAS, and secondly, I'd planned to change the subtitle 'essay plan' to 'research summary' and put the subtitle 'essay plan' about my introduction, but I kind of forgot ...) and because I hadn't made my referencing as clear as I should have done (again, I didn't quite understand it). However, it's not a problem - I got the mark I was expecting, I got advice on how to improve, and the marks in your first year don't count towards your final degree mark anyway, all I have to do is pass this year, which I'm on course for doing! So ... yay!