Much as I adored the concert on sunday and wouldn't have missed it for the world, I'm now thinking it probably would have been a lot safer for me to have stayed tucked up in bed with lots of Lemsip and Ibuprofen. I feel HORRID.
I seem to have some sort of cold, ear infection and stomach bug rolled into one. Not fun. Especially seeing as I'm going to see Casino Royale tomorrow with the Boy's family. Must get better.
Is it wrong that I'm still geeking out over the chase sequence from The Runaway Bride? In retrospect, not only was it a cool sequence, the direction was AWESOME. I've always been a fan of Euros Lyn (Tooth And Claw and The Girl In The Fireplace are two of my favourite episodes EVER for direction) but this looks like it's going to be Something Else (yes, it did warrant capital letters).
*bounces* 34 days ...