So much has been happening in the world of Me. I met The Boy's family on wednesday - a first for both of us - and it seemed to go well. I was forewarned that they liked chatty people (score!) and that as long as I was polite I should win them over. Well, as far as I can tell, they liked me. And from what Boy told me afterwards, it would appear that I'm not wrong in my assumptions. I'm glad, because I'd hate to be in one of those situations where you don't get on with the Family. Some very awkward situations could theoratically arise. The next step is for Boy to meet my family, which he'll be doing next saturday when I do mum's 'Anything Goes' concert. Should be interesting.
I've also tidied my bedroom up considerably. It's still rather messy, but it's an improvement on what it was. You can see floor now.
I'm also feeling a LOT better. Manuka honey and lemon tea works like a charm. I SWEAR by Manuka honey. It's magic! I'm not sure exactly how it works, but there's some sort of natural antibacterial stuff in it that helps kill germs ... so yay!
Tomorrow (technically today, as it's one in the morning) is a day with Mum to make my KYC dress. Or at least TRY to make my KYC dress. Personally, I'm not holding out much hope, but then again Mum is an AWESOME seamstress. On sunday I'm going back to school to visit Nic in the school play - SO annoyed that I can't go and see her in it properly - I might go and watch it next friday anyway, even though she's not in it, because A Midsummer Night's Dream is one of my favourite Shakespeare plays anyway. We'll see. Might see if Mum fancies going ... or maybe Boy ... or Kylie ... hmm ...