I have no excuse for the horrendous lack of updating. I really will try harder.
The thing is ... it's weird, but a blog just doesn't seem all that significant any more. Me and Luke have been seeing each other for nearly 8 months now, and it just seems ... weird. Not the fact that we've been seeing each other for 8 months. That bit is AWESOME. The bit that's weird is the bit where I'm moving out of Uni.
That means I've been living in this house, in this room, for 9 months of my life. It's not been the nicest of rooms by all means - there's a big burn in the carpet, a gift from the previous occupant, and the walls are a tasteless shade of beige - but I spent a long time making it my own. And now, after packing everything up and taking all my posters and photos off the walls ... it looks sad. It looks like what it is - a student room. But for the last 9 months, it's been my home. And, sad as it is, I'm going to miss it.
Although, if I'm being honest, I am looking forward to moving back home. I'll no longer have to pay to do my laundry, my room will be purple again, and I'll be able to sleep in my big, soft, comfy double bed again. Uni beds are officially awful. And no, it's not just mine. ALL uni beds are horrid. The housemates confirm this.
But never mind. There's no point in dwelling in the past (although I do wish I'd taken some more photos of my room as it was ... maybe I'll ask Delphine if she can e-mail me some of the photos she took of my room). It's time to look to the future ... and at the moment, my future holds three more years or study, a boyfriend who I'm crazy in love with, and a comfy bed. And that's the most important thing.