The day has finally dawned! Today I will begin the gruelling task that is tidying up and packing to move out. The house I will be moving into (which is actually owned by my parents) just needs a quick lick of paint on Sunday, and then Monday I can start moving all my stuff over!
There are two main reasons I'm looking forward to this:
1. This move is going to be a lot more permanent than the last one was. I was in Parkwood for 9 months, and I still had to move the expensive stuff home in the holidays to be on the safe side. The House (it's just so much easier to distinguish it with a capital letter) will be the place I call home for the next three years (at least), so I will get to slob out slightly. Well, slightly more.
2. Dependent on circumstances, this move will also be happening for Boy. Admittedly, his course will only be another year while mine is another three years; however, if all goes well, I should be able to house-share with Boy. YAY!
Life's not all a bowl of cherries though ... the whole 'tidying up' side of things is going to take a considerable amount of time, and to see most of my worldly possessions in boxes will probably be a bit odd. However, I'm determined to make this work, no matter how many times the respective parents ask if we've thought through everything and we're still sure. I know I can't wait to live in the House with Boy, and I hope he feels the same way ... I suppose, in the end, all anyone can do is just wait and see.