Monday, October 30, 2006

Having A Boyfriend: Pros And Cons.

Pros: far too many to count.

Cons: there is NO WAY I'm going to be able to concentrate on work, which is important when I have a 2000 word essay due in this time next week which I haven't even started yet.


Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Two things are now official.

Official Thing #1: I hate essays. Always have, always will. And I hate this particular essay the most because I don't even have to WRITE the fucker. I just have to plan it. Which makes some sort of sense, I suppose, but I still don't like it. I'm useless at planning essays. I'm even more useless at planning essays with quotes in them. But hey, I'll give it a go. I kind of have to, otherwise I get zilch. Not good.

Official Thing #2: I have a Boyfriend. A real, live Boyfriend. And yes, this IS important enough for it to have Capital Letters. We've decided to make it official seeing as most of his housemates had guessed anyway, and we were practically inseperable this last week. However, today is a day for studying.


But later on, we're going to be watching TORCHWOOD! Hell yes! Captain Jack in WALES. It just writes itself.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

This week has been one of the best and oddest weeks EVER. So many good things have happened that even my cynical nature is beginning to question the ulterior motives of the universe.

But hey, life is for living. And if things keep going the way they are, I might have even more to say in a couple of days time. I'm being vague and enigmatic for the moment because I don't want to jinx anything - knowing my luck, the Gods of Irony will smite me regardless - but just wait and see.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Typing one-handed is going to be more difficult than I thought.

Today (despite it being half two in the morning I'm still counting this as Friday) is Friday 13th. Today was the premiere of Promised Land, the opera I'm in. Today I went around backstage annoying all the superstitious people by wishing them good luck and shouting Macbeth at them.

Today was NOT a good day for tempting fate.

I'm now sat at my laptop wish my arm in a sling and my wrist in a cast, having slipped in the wing during the performance and hurt my wrist. It looks worse than it is, though - despite my arm being plastered, I've only received a hairline fracture to one of the smaller wrist bones. It's not really even enough to deserve a cast IMO, but then I'm not the one with the medical degree.

Oh well. At least I don't sing with my arm. I won't be able to do the riot police scene properly either, as the cast is on the left arm which is the arm that holds the shield, but I might see if I can sneak in the back with my big stick. I don't want to miss out because of a silly thing like a cast.

And at least I get to sue the Marlowe. Or at least threaten to sue. Either way, I'm going to get freebies.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Good news for today: I've signed up to an Extras agency run especially for students. Hopefully that might earn me a bit of money in the next few months.

Bad news for today: I have a killer rehearsal, it's raining, and I got an email yesterday about essay deadlines and how they're coming up very quickly. I'm still really confused about the whole thing - I apparaently have two essays due in this term (one in week 6 and one in week 12) but the info for the first essay just says I need to hand in an essay plan and a summary of research. Does that mean I don't actually have to do that essay? Or do I hand in both the essay AND the plan AND the research summary? Or is there a separate deadline for the plan and research summary?

Hmph. I'm off to email my tutor, see if she can shed any light on this.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Did I ever mention the fact that I'm in an opera?

Oh yeah. 'Promised Land', specially written for the Canterbury Festival. I'm in the chorus with a couple of solo lines. It's being performed this friday and saturday.

No-one has yet explained to me why I have to have 40 hours of rehearsal and performance for it this week. Hmph.

In other news, I think my printer has decided it hates me. There is half a black ink cartridge left, and it won't print in black ink. And that's no use to me when I need to print out pictures from the 1880s for my Design module. Wanking thing.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

So THIS is how long it takes to get the internet sorted at University. my last post was September 12th. It's now October 8th.

Part of that is my typical student laziness, but part of that is actually the University's fault. Just because I've developed an emotional attatchment to my crappy old laptop (it's reliable and it was free because I won it in a competition), I get punished by the University bedroom internet network.

Problem #1: no port in the back of my laptop for the internet cable they gave me.
This cause me the most grief, frankly, because when I went to the computer dude to tell him what the problem was, he said I needed a USB network card. Well, obviously, those things don't actually exist. But did I know that? Nooooooooo. Eventually we took my laptop to a computer shop in town which had the Computer Wizard who was able to tell me what I needed ... and what I needed was a bog-standard network card.

Problem #2: getting hold of the network card.
"I'll order one in for you, we should have delivery of it on tuesday."
TUESDAY - "Sorry, they haven't come today. Something to do with their van breaking down. They promised me it'll be in tomorrow, though."
WEDNESDAY - "Now they're saying friday."
FRIDAY - I eventually got hold of my network card. But that's not the end of it.

Problem #3: the University doesn't like Windows ME.
WANK. Because ME isn't even that old a system. Anywho, I took my laotop back to the University computer dudes and they sorted everything out for me ... ergo, henceforth and in conclusion, I now have internet access. Huzzah!

Next on my 'to do' list - tidy my fucking room. How can a room this small be so easy to mess up?! Bloody Borrowers ...